Accelerated Community Health Worker


What is the Accelerated Community Health Worker program?

In sixteen weeks, the Accelerated Community Health Worker program prepares you to work in public health, private healthcare delivery systems, community-based social service agencies, and healthcare insurance organizations. 社区卫生工作者通过向目标人群开展外展活动,提供服务以增进健康和改善获得卫生服务的机会. 该项目将训练你与需要帮助和支持的人建立积极的关系,以发展健康的行为, utilizing health resources, 并获得预防或减轻慢性病影响的教育支持. 医院, 教堂, 诊所, insurance companies, and nonprofit organizations all need the services of community healthcare workers. 



化学加工 1001 - 认证 Part I

(All 3 化学加工 courses must be completed to earn the 化学加工 认证)

旨在提供对影响社区健康的变量的基本了解. Learning Outcomes: List the determinants of health at the individual and community level; implement community assessment techniques to include demographics, 映射, and analysis of governmental agency services; describe tracking techniques of clients and services; specify the dynamics in relationship building among groups, organizations, and individuals in a community; and identify initiatives that will impact the health status of a poor under-served community. 

Study of local, regional, and national health care resources. Identification of health organizations, support groups, and health care delivery systems to be used for client referral. 活动包括参观不同的当地机构和出席/参与相关活动. Learning Outcomes: Identify various local health-related resources and their eligibility requirements; develop/define methods used for client eligibility and referral; identify the levels and settings of health care and roles of various health occupations within the community; and assist clients in meeting eligibility requirements and accessing needed services and benefits. 


化学加工 1002 - 认证 Part II

(All 3 化学加工 courses must be completed to earn the 化学加工 认证)

研究食物和营养的文化方面和公共政策,以及整个生命周期中营养的social经济和心理方面. Provides information on developing culturally appropriate community-level interventions to improve nutrition for vulnerable populations; explain the basic nutrition principles from prenatal care to care for the aging; increase knowledge of cultural influences on diet and food preference; assess clients’ diets utilizing interview techniques; calculate BME and caloric intake for normal and abnormal physiological conditions; and locate appropriate community resources and public-sector programs.

Preparation for field work with individuals, 家庭, and groups emphasizing teaching and capacity-building skills. Topics include behavioral change theories, outreach methods, area canvassing, 家访, 组工作, community events, and community organizing. Implement neighborhood/rural outreach campaigns; conduct informal counseling and educational sessions with individuals, 家庭, and community groups; organize community events for purposes of developing community capacity for change.


化学加工 1003- Clinical Community Health

(All 3 化学加工 courses must be completed to earn the 化学加工 认证)

通过学院之间的个性化协议,在学生的专业领域中遇到与职业相关的活动, 雇主, 和学生. Under the supervision of the college and the 雇主, the student combines classroom learning with work experience.  Includes a lecture component. Learning Outcomes: As outlined in the learning plan, apply the theory, 概念, and skills involving specialized materials, 工具, 设备, 程序, 规定, 法律, and interactions within and among political, 经济, 环境, social, 与职业和商业/行业相关的法律制度,并将展示法律和道德行为, safety practices, interpersonal and teamwork skills, 具备适当的书面和口头沟通技巧,使用该职业和业务/行业的术语.


Program 信息rmation

Time Commitment 

240 Contact Hours (24 Continuing Education Units)  

24 Week Training 

  • Hybrid: Face to Face (5.0 Hours/week) and Online (5.0 Hours/week)​ 
  • F2F Location: Westside Education and Training Center​ 


Texas Department of State Health Services Community Health Worker certification  
化学加工 Initial 认证 化学加工 Initial 认证 | Texas DSHS 
Community Health Workers (化学加工s), or promotores de salud, 将社区与卫生保健和social服务提供者联系起来的非医疗公共卫生工作者是否存在. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) established the CWH program, in accordance with Health and Safety Code Chapter 48, 推行一项计划,训练及教育担任推广员或健康护理员的人士. 
化学加工s demonstrate skills in the eight core competencies and must meet the following certification requirements: 
  • Texas resident  
  • 培训-完成经批准的dshs认证的160小时基于能力的社区卫生工作者培训计划. 

CE2Credit eligible


Program Requirements

Possess proficiency in English (reading, writing, and speaking skills)

You are at least eighteen (18) years of age

Must have access to computer/tablet and internet 


Enrollment 信息rmation


Coordinator of Workforce Development
经济 & Workforce Development- Center Operations
Westside Education Training Center (WETC)
(210) 485-0654


Sr Spec - Student Success
经济 & Workforce Development- Center Operations
Westside Education Training Center (WETC)
(210) 485-0255


学生 enter as continuing education credit students 化学加工 certification, but a HS diploma or GED is not required. 所有CE学分课程都可以通过在任何一所澳门新葡京博彩完成6个小时的学分转换为学术课程.